The Liberty HopeCast
The Liberty HopeCast
Choosing Kindness- with Local Businesswoman Katriesa Secada
The Liberty HopeCast is back!!!! Join us in our new recording space for Season 3! And please bear with us in this first episode as we deal with sound kinks and user errors. It gets better for our next episode :)
Hope and Mary sit down with local business woman Katriesa Secada and get some perspective for the focus of this season- "You're not alone".
Quotes from this episode:
We’re human kind and we’re supposed to be kind to all humans. Act kind, choose kind. That’s all a mean person needs to see anyway. Growth doesn’t happen in comfy zones.
Resources related to this episode:
Podcast interview with "The Soul of Shame" author
Beth Moore book
Find Katriesa:
Store Address: 619 Main St in Liberty, TX
Contact Us!!
Counseling with Hope
Email: feedback@nhnlc.com