The Liberty HopeCast
The Liberty HopeCast
An Honest Look at Eating Disorders and Recovery (Explicit) with Rachel
We sit down with Rachel to get real truth about eating disorders and the road to recovery. In order to retain the raw conversation as well as respect the listener’s preferences, we are offering two versions of this honest talk. Please look at the titles to ensure you’re listening to the one that best suits your needs.
Tips from Rachel:
For ones who struggle: “The only way to be of service to others is to be of better service to yourself”. Find ways to figure out what you need and communicate that to those around you in the support community you develop to help you on this journey.
For family: Do your best to ask questions- to get curious. Recognize the ED is not about you, but be willing to ask yourself, “Am I creating an environment for wellness, or am I creating an environment for this situation to just continue?”
Resources related to this episode:
Center for Discovery
Shame book
Email Rachel at: rachel@evernia.org
Find her on Instagram
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