The Liberty HopeCast
The Liberty HopeCast
Tools for Handling Trauma
The three of us sit down to talk about some healthy ways to cope with overwhelm, aka “trauma”. We talk through a calming exercise and discuss how writing can be helpful. Join us for tips to improve your mental health during this stressful season!
Resources related to this episode:
Waking the Tiger book
The Body Keeps the Score book
Boundaries book
Questions from Expressive Writing, Word That Heal book :
Number question A-D between 0-10 with the following parameters:
0-Not at all 5- Somewhat 10- A great deal
A. _______To what degree did you express your deepest thoughts and feelings?
B. _______To what degree do you currently feel sad or upset?
C. _______To what degree do you currently feel happy?
D. _______To what degree was today’s writing valuable and meaningful for you?
E. Briefly describe how your writing went today so you can refer to this later.
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Counseling with Hope
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