The Liberty HopeCast

Life Lessons with Retired Dance Teacher Rebecca Neyland Spears

Hope Brown/ Rebecca Neyland Spears Season 3 Episode 10
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00:00 | 38:57

We sit down with former dance teacher, Becky Spears, and hear what she has to say about topics such as perfectionism, learning to say no, and parenting. You won’t want to miss the wise words from the woman who has been a mentor to both Mary and Katie in many ways over many years. We hope you’ll enjoy this special guest as much as we did!


On focus: “We need to pay attention to our bodies, because our bodies tell us the truth”.
On saying no: “Just say no, period. If you defend your no, that’s their opening to give you a reason to say yes”. 
On parenting: “We have to be careful with our words and we have to learn to really listen”.
“We need to be coaches from the sideline, be their cheerleaders, let them fail and encourage them to find the ground, and stand up and do it again”.

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